I started this Blog in January 2020 for a place for those dealing with STRESS, ANXIETY, and Burdened with WORRY can find PEACE. No, your not alone and you may be surprised at just how NOT ALONE you are. This is not a replacement for Healthcare professionals but more of someone you can reach out to or trade your own stories, experiences, and ways you have found that reduces stress so WE can help others.


“WE” are Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Children, Grandparents, and Grandchildren.

Throw away the differences in location, differences of social status, differences of gender, race, or religion. Strip it all away and what do you have left……"We" ...and in spite of everything and everybody, that's who matters the most. From the above list, one of those people love and need you…..That's why this blog is here.

I'll go first, I am Scott and live in the shadow of the 4th largest city in the country, Houston Texas. There's some STRESS right there. Add that I have been a Long-haul Trucker for most of my life or in the trucking biz in one form or another, so there's a lot of STRESS there. Wait, there's more…. I'm married to a wonderful woman that should have counted her losses a long time ago ...but didn't. I found that the only thing stronger than a Trucker, is a Truckers Wife.

So that's what makes me a part of "We". It's an understatement to say that I am excited about this blog and excited about the opportunity to meet and get to know you. I hope and welcome you to comment and to subscribe to my email newsletter and social network sites. Once again, WELCOME and hope that together, WE can help ourselves and others.
